Monday, 12 March 2007

Card of the Week

In Card of the Week, I ask for a card for the blog-site and discuss it's meaning and colour significance. The cards used are from the Osho Zen Tarot by Osho International. Their website is Osho Zen is based on Zen Buddhism and the symbols and imagery are unique. In this way these cards, in my opinion, are far from the traditional imagery, style and layout of traditional tarot decks.You will find that I have to delete old Card of the Week postings. I have obtained permission from Osho Zen, but it permits only one card at any one time to be shown. This means that I have to delete previous "Card of the Week" postings. Previous cards included:
Breakthrough and "Harmony" . Now it is time for "The Source".
This was the card that fell from the deck whilst I was shuffling and asking for a card. I guess it literally "says what is written on the card". Perhaps it is spirits way of helping me with a busy weekend and giving me a nice simple card! -
Well the card maybe simple, even the message but how to get there isn't and can be difficult sometimes. It basically means getting back to your roots. The roots of who you are; spiritually, emotionally, even where you can be if it wasn't for all the stuff going on in your head. Cut out your thoughts and your expectations. Even your feelings. Centre in on yourself. Re-group with the real spiritual you, ground yourself.
The card is linked to the state of Zazen. If you think of the Budha in a sitting position, his legs folded one under the other, the way his hands is folded low down and his eys a little open, a little closed. This is a card that says return to self and meditate to find answers. It is supposed to bring calm to the body and to your mind, helping you with insights into life's existance, bringing in enlightenment. I like to think of the "light" here within the word "enlightenment". It can help to lighten things I guess, in terms of a lightened heart, a lighter spirit, and answers that may help to lighten circumstances around you, bringing in inspiration and ideas into areas that are complex or too hurtful to even think about.
There is a sense of pulsating; of sun/ moon within this card. It has a firery red/orange/white light glow even an indigo violet if you can see it from the scan. The indigo colour is around the centre circle and radiates out a little. That is the colour that I am drawn to today on this card. It is for healing.
There is more on meditation in but for now if we just concentrate on this card, even the image can help us relax. It draws you into the centre, to that lovely pale yellow light there. When I think of Archangels link with this card I think firstly of Zadkiel who is the Angel of freedom, benevolence, mercy – he is associated with Jupiter, Thursdays, (Sagitarious/Pisces) and his name means Righteousness of God. He helps anyone who feels lost/grieving, so helps with things like fear, anger, bitterness, upset. He serves on the violet ray, so violet colours and blue, amethyst and sapphire, are connected with him.

The other Archangel I am thinking of is Archangel Azrael, who is connected with calcite crystals and with pale yellow colours. Oddly today I have just done a reading for a lady where both of these angels featured in her Angel guide cards. Azrael is the angel connected with counsellors and Zadkiel is connected with teachers. Counselling can be internal and external; this is a card then that helps us be free from negative feelings and find peace and healing.
The answers are within us; the state of Zazen becomes a tool that we can use to re-center ourselves in times of need.

I want to add here don't forget those times when we are very happy and contented, and all is well. To me, this is like our "conscious" state of Zazen; I am mentioning it because I truly believe that when we are positive within ourselves, we draw to us that which is positive.

Godlove, and I wish you all the peace and stillness of Zazen.


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