Saturday, 20 March 2010

Tarot love and life

My partner took me to the Chimney's in Hooton the other day, to treat me to a dinner to save me from cooking, which was nice. The only thing is that  I miss the old fashioned curtesy of when we were dating - you know, small things, like opening the door, helping me with my coat, allowing me to sit down first, that sort of thing. I guess, although I am 51 this year, I long for a "six of cups" moment...

The 6 of cups in the Waite deck shows a young lad passing a girl some flowers; perhaps a white tulip, maybe you can see it is a white lilly.   There are lots of discussions on this card on the net about it's significance, meaning, and design... but I'm wondering how to bring back that sense of being loved in a relationship and valued...

Tarot is often healing, it is as much about the present as it is about the future. Each card has an energy about it that to me can vary within a reading, and within how you lay the cards out, and if you read the tarot regularly different bits of a card will call to you at any given time and appear more striking than at other times.
We can use the energy of tarot to help us with what we have now - tap into the energy as a means of transforming. 

So, in longing for a 6 cups moment, I'm actually sending out an energy of lack really... I've got lots of options as a tarot reader, to find a pathway, to be the girl that I see as being worthy of nurture, affection and value...

1. I could dig out the Queen of cups card and "work" with her for a while, to see what she tells me. Sleeping with this card under your pillow often can result in some lovely thoughts of inspiration to help
2. I could do a spread, asking for suggestions as how to foster a 6 cups moment
3. Use the card to work out a mantra. I love mantras; you can weave them into a prayer, or into a means of giving thanks. My mantra would be for the 6 cups " have faith with me, within and outside of home. I am whole and well and worthy of affection, I am filled with love inside".

Tarot to me is healing and transforming. The great thing about decks of cards is that you can often work with more than one deck, often finding that two decks will compliment each other. I love working with The Medicine Woman deck, either on  it's own, or alongside the Tarot. Working with Medicine Woman, and looking at the 6 bowls, the equivalent of the 6 cups, Carol Bridges offers the following prayer:
"Great Spirit, I give thanks for this universe full of treasures that you give to me through all in my love's care. With each person whom I love and whom I share my inner being, I come to know yet another part of your grat glory."

Blessed Be.

Allow yourself a 6 cups moment.... Absorb the words. Say them. Breathe them into your very Being. Allow yourself the grace to feel blessed. Allow yourself to flow into the Higher Consciousness of your Higher Self... open your heart and let the love and light flow within and without, receive, be blessed.... and Blessed Be.



with love and light
Gina and Jackoryx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I enjoyed this post and wish you much luck in finding your 'six of cups' moment.