Friday, 8 May 2009

Coronation Street and Laws of Attraction.

For those of you who are not soap fans, Ken is the retired school teacher and husband of Dierdre, who has just had a bit of a fling with the lovable Martha, who serves tea in proper bone china, in a narrow boat called Utopia, listening to classical music whilst burning essential oils and the odd swan lifts it's head to try to peak through the windows as Ken gazes wistfully at the beautiful, cleaver, artistic Martha, who is so close, and yet so far.

Martha represents Ken's Utopia, his ideal soul mate, as does the boat, which brings him a haven of peace and tranquility. The comfy chairs with their homely patterns, the smells of peace and comfort from the essential oils, the gentle light of an odd candle; home cooking, and taking life slowly have certainly worked their magic upon Ken...

You know, Cosmic Ordering, Laws of Attraction and The Secret all say a great deal about positive thinking and attidues, but how many of us who long for a loving caring partner, think about things like where you sleep. Do you take up all of the bed, so there isn't really any room for someone to share it with you? Do you have that comforting chair and place it somewhere where you can imagine the love of your life sitting... It's interesting that whenever Martha wanted Ken to be around, she always had cooked / prepared enough for two...

If having a rough ride with a relationship, Martha's Utopia can maybe give us some tips as to working at making things smoother at home. I think Martha's tips would be:-

Make the effort with a home made dish of some sort that is his/her favourite
Bring in tranquility (soft lights, burning fragrant oils, like Lavender, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli)
Making time to listen and giving time for them to relax...

I looked up the meaning of "Martha" on the net, and it means "lady", or "mistress of the house"- I wonder if the writer knew this before naming the character! Anyway, if thinking of an appropriate tarot card for that, the Empress would be my choice....

What energies can you change for the better around you today? I know I need to change some at home....


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