Wednesday, 15 October 2008

So tired today

I am so tired today. This week I am learning anew, my limitations. My M.E. is kicking in again a little, my fault I guess. My energy levels are about one out of ten right now!
Energy is a strange thing you know. I don't even have words to try to describe it. To me it is etheral. Maybe our spirit is our energy. Our life force. The one that breathes us into being. Right now I am thinking of the World card in Tarot; but am drawn to it's equivalent card in The Medicine Woman's Deck, "The Dancer."
This is a meditation from the Navajo Blessingway that links to the Dancer. I have added to it, (the addition is in italics).
I will be happy forever
Nothing will hinder me
I walk with beauty before me
I walk with beauty behind me
I walk with beauty above me
I walk with beauty below me
I walk with beauty around me
My words will be beautiful.
My spirit and body will be energised
Nothing will hinder me
God's beauty is within me.
Update on Jackory:
He is doing fine, although has developed a waist line. I yearn to know he is okay and pain free; he has the most amazing deepest of deep naps during the day. I will spend today with him as much as I can do; we are going on holiday very soon just Jackory and I to the log cabin in Anglesey - there is a picture of it above. It has a log fire! We are escaping from fireworks, so we will be gone for Bonfire Week. It is my first holiday in about 19 years so I am looking forward to it very much. I am laughing here; thinking of my packing. Dogs travel so freely don't they. No baggage to take with them!
Love, light, energy and beauty
Gina and Jackoryx

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