Tuesday 10 February 2009

Tarot in the Cosmos.

In 2009 I will be 50. I find it really hard to believe that I will be reaching half a century, and only just finding out that there truly is magic in the Cosmos. As followers of the blog will know I have been working with moon energies recently, and I am absolutely amazed at what is revealing itself to me week by week.

Yesterday, 9 February, I was very low energy wise. I am amazed in my research of the planets today to find out that yesterday was a lunar eclipse, which, it is said, does have an impact on us in terms of energy.... (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_2009_lunar_eclipse). You can read more about energies and eclipses on http://www.mooncatsastrology.com/astro2/eclipses.htm.

This has taught me to do some research into the months planetary movements ahead of schedule! Yesterday links in to the Emperor card in tarot, which is also about energies; - the message to me is of letting go of unnecessary energy and in sitting tight on the energy which I do have.

If any of you want to use tarot, they are in many stores like Borders, available to buy on the net and on Ebay, and you can also find free tarot cards available on line to download, print out in the size that you want, and then you are free to use them for insights yourself. I am amazed though that often our own intuition kicks in, much like tarot.

I have now finished off paying the big bills that I had to find money for. I did get the large Indian figure from Wendy's shop, Enchanted, in the Port; he stands in my bedroom with his peace pipe, looking very proud and wise. Peace in relationships is often important, but to me he is also a sign of strength, also of working with nature, of working with what is around us....

2 more buys this month from our flea market; a large upright brown pony, which reminds me of my colt, Jimmy, that I had as a child; he was an absolute bargain and was the last thing left on the stall as it was almost packing up time. The other thing I bought, again from the flea market, was an owl, made of feathers.

I have been racking my brains at the moment about my purchases. It is a time of balancing, this year. And that includes finances! However, it came to mind that all three have a link somehow. Freedom, wisdom, healing, strength. All 3 are free spirits in a way. Interestingly, there is also meaning for me in the colours. The Indian figure is black, white, red, 3 colours I have been drawn to; the owl is whte/brown, and the pony white and brown. Brown is for grounding, white to me is purity of intent, and new beginnings. The black, white, red mixed up to me is protection, energy. At my last visit to the market, I was drawn to a necklace which was made up of brown and white Jasper. I looked up the qualities of Jasper, and it is a protective stone. However thinking about energy, words, thoughts, and intent, I now need to think about working with this in the different aspects of the life that I live and what this all means for me.

Long ago, someone, somewhere, at some point, decided that cards could be used as a tool. However, think, as you live your life, month by month, what you are drawn to. Think about their significance.... perhaps we do come with a book of guidance after all. Perhaps the book of life is the Cosmos as we breathe in this life, and live, moment, by moment.

Have you found tarot in your life this month? Please leave your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
Love and light


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