I wanted to draw some cards today, from old and new packs.
However I don't feel very grounded today. Slightly uneasy.... too uneasy to draw cards.
Little Razta, our birman cat, lost his battle on Monday. He was a lovely cat, and would sort of squeeze his paw in your hand. He was very gentle, and although he didn't like being hugged would be content just to lay by you or sit on your lap. It seems very odd without him and even the dogs don't seem settled.
When you are uneasy, grounding is often the first thing that comes to mind. However, I don't think it is enough just to "ground". Firstly, I think though I need to do a ceremony here at home to say goodbye to Razta, and to wish him well on his new journey. I dont know quite how to do that yet. I think I will do it by lighting a candle and just sitting on the floor and sending out some love and light to him, and giving thanks for the comfort and love he gave at home.
My new cards include: "Ascended Masters" by Doreen Virtue, and "The Druid Animal Oracle Deck" by Bill Worthington. Both decks have a feel good factor around them, good quality card, vibrant colours, and the Ascended Masters have a gold edge to them. I'm not sure about the gold edging though... I love the Druid Animal deck, as these are big big cards and have gentle, earthly colours, and the backs of the cards are nice, navy and silver. I am drawn more and more to a Pagan pathway of late. I have this need within to draw my circle in my front room, and lay out 4 cards from the Druid deck to represent the compass directions, and sit within my circle and offer my thanks for Razta and send him blessings.
Love and light (Don't forget, if you would like to do your bit, Saturday, 8.30 pm, where ever you are in the world, there is EARTH HOUR, where we can switch off our lights, maybe our tv's, computers, phones..... for an hour. What will you be doing Saturday?
Gina and Jackory
You're right. It's impossible to read cards when you aren't grounded. Sunshine and the outdoors solve that one for me. It's amazing how an hour outside clears the cobwebs away.
I am sorry for your loss. I know that losing a pet is not different of losing a family member.
I am sorry for your loss. I know that losing a pet is not different of losing a family member.
I am responding here so you can see it..
When you live with a person that carries a lot of negativity it is harder to cleanse your house. This should n't disappoint you. It just means you have to use those techniques more often.. Just make sure to cleanse the place when you are alone and cleanse your personal room every day. Have a charm close to your heart and when you meditate make thoughts of cleansing your aura. The most important thing is for you to remain positive. If you ever need to contact me this is my email gergininaki@hotmail.com
Blessed be
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